About The School

About The School
PST is a federally-mandated program that has been developed in an effort to help those students that may be struggling either academically or behaviorally. This program allows for the teacher, administration, and/or the parent to refer the student to the local school’s PST committee. Once the student’s name is referred to the committee-which is comprised of teachers, administrators, and other service professionals-the committee will then meet and begin an evaluation of the student’s grades, standardized test scores, discipline record, attendance record, and individual teacher narratives to determine the necessary accommodations that can be made to best meet the needs of that specific student. After the PST committee determines the accommodations, the accommodations are then sent to selected teachers that teach the student. The teacher will then document-over a forty (40) to fifty (50) day evaluation period, the committee will reconvene and make a professional decision as it relates to the effectiveness of those accommodations. The committee will them determine which service option would be the most appropriate for that student. The service options include the following:
- Continue to service the student using the same accommodations
- Continue to service the student but adjust the accommodations
- Exit the student from the program because the student has met the academic or behavioral benchmark determined by the committee
- Recommend the student for Special Education testing.
The PST program at our school is a viable option for those students who may be struggling with either their academics or their behavior. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding the O’Rourke PST program, please feel free to call the office at 221-1585.
School Day
Students can be dropped off at 7:40. Breakfast is available until 8:05.
The school day begins at 7:40.
School is dismissed at 2:45.
“Learning Today for Tomorrow’s World"

We, the faculty and staff of Pauline O’Rourke Elementary School, believe that the educational process is the shared responsibility of the community, parents and teachers.Each child comes to O’Rourke Elementary as an individual with a unique background. Therefore, we strive to meet each child’s academic needs, regardless of the student*s present level of functioning. Strengths and weaknesses of each student are identified and appropriate programs are prescribed for meeting basic requirements, remediation, and enrichment.
These goals will be achieved by instilling a feeling of positive self-worth, and by developing attitudes, values, and behaviors, which will make the child a contributing, productive member of society.
*We believe that children should be our first priority.
*We believe that education is very important. We feel teachers cannot provide a good education to children without parental involvement and community support. All stakeholders must work together.
*We believe all children can learn! We feel integrated instruction, hands on manipulatives and differentiated instructional strategies must be implemented to address all levels of learners to close achievement gaps. Education should also be positive for each child. Children's strengths and weaknesses should be identified and used to guide instruction.
*We believe that we must educate the entire child. Children enjoy learning when activities are presented in new and exciting ways. Through professional growth, teachers will change their strategies to meet the needs of all children.
*We believe all students have the ability to learn. It is our job to find the key to unlock the treasure chest of potential knowledge.
Miss Pauline O'Rourke was born August 13, 1878 and died August 10, 1973 at the age of 95. She taught sixteen years in a private school then taught at Leinkauf Elementary from 1913 to 1918. She was named County School Supervisor for Mobile County and the state of Alabama.
Her philosophy was to live by the Golden Rule.
In 1949 she retired and spent several years as a volunteer at Barton Academy. She was a mentor to educators who later became outstanding in their field. Miss O'Rourke was a dedicated professional who went the extra mile to help teachers. Pauline O'Rourke Elementary School was the ninety-fourth school in the Mobile County Public School System.